Who is the millionaire wrestler that looks like 'Aquaman' Jason Momoa?

Posted by Artie Phelan on Friday, June 21, 2024

Aquaman actor Jason Momoa is not new to involving himself with WWE wrestlers. Joining him in the DC Universe are John Cena and The Rock, who played Peacemaker and Black Adam, respectively. However, a top superstar was also linked to Momoa due to their similar appearance.

Roman Reigns is the WWE wrestler that many have pointed out who looks like Jason Momoa. In an interview back in 2018 with Chris Van Vliet, the Aquaman actor was asked if he was aware of the comparisons. The latter stated he was, but he hasn't met Roman yet.

"I’ve had it (the comparison) a couple times. I haven’t had the honor of meeting him yet,"

Although the 43-year-old actor hasn't stepped foot inside a wrestling ring, he still has other connections with the WWE star. In the past, The Tribal Chief had a role in the Fast and Furious spin-off film Hobbs and Shaw as The Rock's family member. Interestingly, the upcoming Fast X film will also star Momoa, alongside another wrestling star, John Cena.

The Stamford-based wrestling promotion is not new to welcoming celebrities inside the ring. It will be interesting to see if Jason will be seen inside a WWE ring in the future.

Roman Reigns once took a major dig into Jason Momoa's role as Aquaman

From the looks of it, Roman is also aware of the comparisons made between him and the DC actor.

In December 2021, a video surfaced of the WWE star seemingly calling out Jason Momoa. Roman was in a tag team match with The Usos during a live event when a fan joked that he "loved" Reigns in Aquaman.

Immediately, Roman Reigns replied that the movie "would have made more money if I was in it too." The fans in attendance were clearly entertained by the clever exchange. Check out the video below:

Roman Reigns is not new to involving himself with mainstream personalities inside the wrestling ring. Just last year, he had a feud with social media influencer Logan Paul for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship.

They ended their feud in Saudi Arabia during the Crown Jewel event, which saw The Bloodline leader take the victory. Still, YouTuber gained praise from fans and professionals for his performance.

If the Aquaman actor does decide to make an appearance at the Stamford-based promotion in the future, a face-off with Reigns would definitely be a spectacle that fans should not miss.

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