What are they, where to find, and more

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Sunday, June 16, 2024

Pokemon GO has different levels of raids, and their tiers are differentiated by stars, i.e., the higher the stars, the tougher the raid boss. Currently, 6-star raid bosses are considered the most powerful on the entire platform. It came into existence with the addition of Mega Legendary Pokemon in the game’s meta.

On April 28, 2022, Pokemon GO developers introduced the concept of Mega Evolution update for the first time in the game. Niantic has made a handful of changes to the in-game mechanics, including Mega Levels, bonuses, and a new Raid tier for players to explore. The power level of the 6-star raids is immense, and players will have to form a team of at least 5 to 6 Trainers to defeat the raid boss successfully.

Below is detailed information on everything you need to know about the 6-star raids in Pokemon GO.

What are 6-star raids, and where to find them in Pokemon GO?

Pokemon GO players need to be on a constant lookout for 6 Star Raids since you will need to explore your local area gyms to find them. A high chance of a raid egg appearing above these facilities is possible at any given time during the day. After these eggs appear, you will observe the egg pulsing and trying to hatch at the top of the structure. Look for a Mega symbol and 6 stars above the pulsing egg as it represents 6-star raids.

The pulsating egg's appearance will look a lot like a Pokemon GO Mega Egg. It shares an identical symbol and an ever-changing exterior color. With egg hatching, an opportunity to encounter the fighter inside the egg arises, so you need to fight and catch it. Once defeated, it will allow you to capture the Pokemon as it faints.

A 6-star raid is extremely difficult to complete, and trainers must bring as many of their comrades as possible to win. Since the Combat Power of a 6-star raid boss is boosted and can surpass even 80,000 CP, it makes them highly competitive and powerful. At current times, only Mega Latios and Mega Latias are limited to being a 6-star raid boss, but that is bound to change in the future.

The 6-star raid, being as hard and powerful as they are, has only appeared a few times on the platform. The raid debuted during the Pokemon Air Adventures event in May 2022, which featured Mega Latias and Mega Latios. Players can certainly expect to see more Legendary Pokemon as 6-Star Raid bosses in the future, as data miners have said so.

The latest 6-star raid boss appearance is happening in the Pokemon Air Adventures promotion that is taking place alongside the Pokemon GO Safari Zone event in Singapore, from November 18, 2022, to November 20, 2022 (GMT+8).

Although both the raid bosses, Mega Latios and Mega Latias, are extremely powerful, defeating them will allow you to get their shiny variants. Shiny Mega Latios and Shiny Mega Latias are available on the platform for Shiny Collectors. You must locate the raid and get a powerful team to defeat these Pokemon GO bosses on their own turf.

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