Warframe sets an industry-wide example when it comes to building a fair free-to-play live service game model. Players can obtain all items in the game, save for Excalibur Prime. The tradeoff for this availability is the fact that not all the items are readily available. The biggest example of this is Primed Mods. Unlike Prime Warframe and Weapon components, the Primed Mods can only be obtained from Baro Ki'Teer, the Void Trader.
Admittedly, you can always acquire these items from other players via trade chat. For those who want to play solo or prefer acquiring items from their direct drop sources, almost all of Baro Ki'Teer's merchandise is uniquely accessible only from his inventory.
Where to find Baro Ki'Teer in Warframe?
Baro Ki'Teer arrives on alternating Fridays to a Tenno relay at 6 am PT (9 am ET) and stays for exactly 24 hours in that relay. For this week, Baro Ki'teer can be found in Larunda Relay (Mercury).
He will be stationed in the central hub room of this Relay until Sunday (December 31, 2023)
How to buy items from Baro Ki'Teer in Warframe?
All items on Baro Ki'Teer can be bought for a combination of Credits and Ducats. Credits can be farmed from many sources in the game, as it is the most common form of currency.
Ducats, on the other hand, can only be obtained from the Void Trader's Ducat Kiosks located in any Relay. Unlike Baro Ki'Teer's stock, the Ducats can be acquired any time of the week, as the kiosks are always operational.
Ducats can be purchased in exchange for Primed Parts for weapons and frames, obtained by cracking Void Relics from the four eras. The Ducat price for a Primed part is determined only by its rarity in the Relic.
Primed Part Rarity | Ducats |
Common (Bronze) | 15 (25 in a few cases) |
Uncommon (Silver) | 45 (65 in a few cases) |
Rare (Gold) | 100 |
Warframe Baro Ki'Teer inventory this week: Primed Mods, Weapons, Cosmetics, and recommendations
For this week, Baro Ki'Teer's Primed merchandise and other stock include:
- Primed Convulsion (350 Ducats, 175,000 Credits)
- Primed Heated Charge (350 Ducats, 175,000 Credits)
- Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation (400 Ducats, 140,000 Credits)
- High Voltage (300 Ducats, 150,000 Credits)
- Combo Fury (300 Ducats, 115,000 Credits)
Weapons and Equipment
- Prisma Dual Cleavers (490 Ducats, 200,000 Credits)
- Prisma Lenz (575 Ducats, 200,000 Credits)
- Tannukai Armor Set
- Ki’teer Sekhara (Emblem)
- Kavat Sentinel Set
- Mesa Immortal Skin
- Prisma Uru Syandana
- Ki’teer Solstice Syandana
- Tigris Elixis Skin
- De Nas Pistol Skin
- The Stranger’s Hood
- Scimitar Prisma Skin
- Wintercress Syandana
- Fae Path Ephemera
- Sands of Inaros Blueprint
- Akka Luxxum Ornament (Decoration)
- Pedestal Umbra (Decoration)
- Cookie Kavat Glyph
- Cookie Kubrow Glyph
- Javi’s Scrawling
For this week's Baro-exclusive non-cosmetic items, the order of priority for an average player should be:
- Sands of Inaros Blueprint (for those who haven't done the quest yet)
- Primed Convulsion
- Primed Heated Charge
- Prisma Dual Cleavers
- Prisma Lenz
- High Voltage
- Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation
- Combo Fury
Note that High Voltage can be acquired elsewhere. Still, unlike most other non-exclusive mods that appear on Baro’s stock, it is worth buying, since farming caches in Hive missions can get quite tedious.
Baro’s stock this week contains the brand-new Primed mod, Primed Convulsion (+165% Electricity damage to Pistols). Primed Heated Charge is much more powerful on paper due to the heat-inherit damage shenanigans you can pull with high base damage weapons like Tenet Plinx.
If you have neither, you will get a lot more dividends out of Primed Heated Charge. However, a new Primed mod will be fresh in circulation, meaning Platinum farmers can cash in on inflated prices for Primed Convulsion after this Baro rotation is gone.
Meanwhile, Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation is a niche mod that will not be universally super useful. If you like using weapons like Kuva Zarr or Acceltra that have ammo issues, there are alternatives like the Garuda Blood Forge augment mod you can use.
Prisma Dual Cleavers will be a moderately powerful addition to your arsenal, and its high Slash weightage opens it up to a scaling critical-status hybrid build. Prisma Lenz, on the other hand, is overshadowed by the likes of Kuva Bramma despite being the newer weapon.
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