"She's crying when I walked in" Hulk Hogan tells bizarre ex-girlfriend story

Posted by Artie Phelan on Tuesday, June 18, 2024

WWE legend Hulk Hogan recently disclosed details about an extraordinary moment after he broke up with a woman he met in Japan.

Hogan had a four-year relationship with a Japanese woman during his wrestling career. The two-time WWE Hall of Famer ended the romance after meeting another woman in California. One day, he arrived at his parents' house in Florida to find his ex-girlfriend at the dinner table.

On the Full Send Podcast, Hogan revealed how she flew all the way from Japan without telling him:

"When I flew back home to Tampa, my parents were still alive. When I walked in the house, that Japanese girl was at my house. She flew from Japan and she's sitting at the dinner table in front of my mother and father. She's crying when I walked in." [1:02:47 – 1:03:01]

Hogan met his ex-girlfriend while trying to find models in Japan. He started dating the woman in charge of the modeling agency after being taken aback by her beauty and perfect English.

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Horace Hogan, Hulk Hogan's real-life nephew, worked in the wrestling business in the 1990s and early 2000s. He is best known for his spell in WCW between 1997 and 2000.

Horace Hogan lived close to the family home at the time, so Hulk Hogan asked him to get his ex-girlfriend out of the house:

"I called Horace and said, 'Get your a** over here and get her out of here,' so I had Horace come right over – he lives a couple of blocks from my parents' house – and he grabbed her. I never saw her again." [1:04:00 – 1:04:09]

Hulk Hogan had no idea how the Japanese woman knew where his parents lived. He added that "wrestling girls know everything about you," even parents' addresses.

What do you make of this story? Let us know in the comments section below.

Please credit the Full Send Podcast and give a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the transcription if you use quotes from this article.

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