DanMachi Battle Chronicle tier list ranks every character in this gacha game according to their battle performance. Each plays a unique role and possesses upgradable skills. There are two types of characters: Adventurers and Assists. Adventurers partake actively in battles by dishing out damage. On the contrary, Assists help the former by replenishing their HP and buffing their stamina.
You create a team of three Adventurers and Assists and fight against monsters in Story mode. The game also offers a battle royale mode with eight players going against each other. Beating the opponent becomes convenient when you use strong characters. This article provides a DanMachi Battle Chronicle tier list for September 2023, ranking every unit from strong to weak.
All DanMachi Battle Chronicle Characters ranked
DanMachi Battle Chronicle characters have varying rarities, from the lowest R, SR, and SSR to UR. Each performs one of these roles in its real-time strategy battle: Attack, Speed, Defend, and Support. Each DanMachi unit has unique elemental types that are advantaged and disadvantaged against each other. Here is how they interact:
- Fire beats Wind
- Wind overpowers Earth
- Earth defeats Electric
- Electric triumphs Water
- Water overpowers Fire
You can summon more robust units and Scene Cards using Selas or Gacha tickets from the in-game Gacha. Adventurers and Assists become more robust by upgrading their levels, breaking the limit, and awakening. A unique item called Scene Card is also available, which grants skill effects and increases the unit’s strength.
With that being said, this article groups each DanMachi Battle Chronicle unit into SS, S, A, B, and C-tiers. You will find more robust characters in SS-tier units and the weakest in C, like other gacha title tier lists. Below are the details of what each tier means:
SS-tier: Adventurers and Assists in this tier overpower every other character. Do not hesitate to invest and upgrade them using resources in this action.
S-tier: These characters are second best in the current meta. Although less potent than SS, they can easily outperform A, B, and C-tier characters. You can easily beat the game’s most content with these in the roster.
A-tier: With average combat ability, they rank third in this tier list. Upgrading them properly at every opportunity helps you win most battles in this mobile anime game.
B-tier: Use B-tier units only if you lack SS, S, and A-tier characters in your battle party. It’s best not to invest development materials in them after you clear the early stages.
C-tier: They are the weakest characters who do not provide any utility in battles. C-tier units are best suited for players to get accustomed to the gameplay of this mobile RPG title.
Considering all this, here is the DanMachi Battle Chronicle character tier list for September 2023.
- (Fox Spirit) Sanjouno Haruhime
- (Little Rookies) Bell Cranel
- (Thousand Elf) Lefiya Viridis
- (Braver) Finn Deimne
- (Gale) Ryu Lion
- (Deity of the Sacred Fire) Hestia
- (Maid of Fertility) Syr Flover
- (Mirabilis) Cassandra Ilion
- (Absolute Shadow) Yamato Mikoto
- (Follower of the Cherry Blossoms) Hitachi Chigusa
- (Unreliable Statements) Loki
- (Elgarm) Gareth Landrock
- (Prum Assist) Liliruca Arde
- (Queen of the Night) Ishtar
- (Dragon Girl) Wiene
- (God of Neutrality) Hermes
- (God of Medicine) Miach
- (Vanargand) Bete Loga
- (Red-Haired God of Smithing) Hephaistios
- (Nine Hell) Riveria Ljos Alf
- (God of War) Takemikazuchi
- (Jormungandr) Tione Hiryute
- (Amazon) Tiona Hiryute
- (Twin-Bladed Dancer) Tione Hiryute
- (War Princess) Ais Wallenstein
- (Antianeira) Aisha Belka
- (Delicate Girl) Hitachi Chigusa
- (Unconquerable) Gareth Landrock
- (Novice Adventurer) Bell Cranel
- (God of Romance) Hermes
- (God of Guidance) Takemikazuchi
- (Apothecary) Miach
- (Strategic Supporter) Liliruca Arde
- (Acquaintance of the Gale) Asfi Al Andromeda
- (Lady of Many Looks) Syr Flover
- (Wolf) Bete Loga
- (Lady of The Two-Handed Blade) Tiona Hiryute
- (Blacksmith of the Flames) Welf Crozzo
- (Ninja from the Far East) Yamato Mikoto
- (Goddess of Salvation) Hestia
- (Divine Artisan) Hephaistios
- (Laurus Fuga) Daphne Lauros
- (Fox Girl of the Brothel) Sanjouno Haruhime
- (Fighting Blacksmith) Welf Crozzo
How to Reroll in DanMachi Battle Chronicle?
You randomly get characters from the in-game Gacha. So, you can obtain the units you desire using the rerolling trick.
Follow these steps to perform a reroll feature in DanMachi Battle Chronicle:
- After installing the game, log in using a guest account.
- Play the tutorial and complete the Adventure: Bell Carnel chapter.
- It unlocks all in-game features, and you get free Gacha tickets.
- Summon characters from the in-game gacha.
- If you’re unhappy with the results, you can exit the game, delete the app’s data from your device’s settings, and repeat the steps.
This concludes our DanMachi Battle Chronicle tier list for September 2023. Follow Sportskeeda for more tier lists of such gacha games, and stay updated on the gaming world.
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